Intro to Sewing: Heart-Shaped Lavender Sachets

  Dates & times
  • Sat, 02/05/2022 - 2:00pm
  Category Arts/Crafts
  Age Groups Adult
  Location Birthplace Home, Zoom


A white heart-shaped button, sparkly red ribbon, and a needle and thread atop rose-patterned fabric. Information about the program is to the right of this photo.

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, learn how to sew a five-inch lavender-scented pillow (sachet) in the shape of a heart! Hang it from a doorknob, bedpost, or clothes hanger for a soothing whiff of lavender. This program will be held at the McKinley Birthplace Home. It’s perfect for beginners, but sewing pros are welcome, too! We respectfully request that you wear a mask. Space is limited; please register by calling (330) 652-1704, ext. 3. Can’t make it in person? Pick up a FREE craft kit at the library, and follow along with us on Zoom.

To attend via Zoom, please REGISTER HERE.